A Union in Wait

A Union in Wait is a 2001 documentary film about samesex marriage, directed by Ryan Butler. It was the first documentary about samesex marriage to air on national television in the United States.

The film includes interviews with Andrew Sullivan, Barney Frank, Robert Knight, Jimmy Creech, Fred Phelps, Candace Gingrich, Wake Forest University students, and local ministers. The film was shot primarily in WinstonSalem, North Carolina, on the campus of Wake Forest University but portions of the film were shot in Washington, D.C., at the Millennium March on Washington, Family Research Council headquarters, and Andrew Sullivans house.In 2001, the Sundance Channel licensed the film for television in the United States. A Union In Wait was also shown at numerous festivals around the world and distributed on video by Frameline. In 2015 Amazon Video made the film available online. ........

Source: Wikipedia